President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso:

Frustration with Europe’s loss of respect boiled over at the

G20 Summit in Mexico. [see video below].



‘Europe Deserves its Humiliation’ (Financial Times Deutschland, Germany)


“The rescue of the common currency is disintegrating amid bickering about national interests. … The world community is no longer open to such reactionary weakness on the part of Europeans - if it ever was. The failure of E.U. members to speak with one voice, despite the drama of the situation, has led to a worldwide loss of respect.”




Translated By John Mades


June 20, 2012


Germany - Financial Times Deutschland - Original Article (German)

As European Commission president, one can become quite thin-skinned, especially if, after all the effort of the past few months, Europe has heard nothing but niggling, complaints and mockery.


“We are not here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or how to run an economy,” a clearly-peeved Jose Manuel Barroso informed attendees at the summit of the 20 largest industrialized and emerging countries [video below].



La Stampa, Italy: U.S. ‘War on Two Fronts’: Against Germany and China?

Diario Economico, Portugal: Utopia Lost?: Dream Over Without Federalism

Trouw, Netherlands: Across West, Populists on Left and Right Find Scapegoats

La Stampa, Italy: Eurozone is Torn – Even When it Comes to Disney Characters!

Le Monde, France: French Journalists Cover the G8: YAWN!

Knack, Belgium: Days of ‘Superfluous’ G8 are Numbered

Die Zeit, Germany: Price of NATO Survival: Diminished Sovereignty
Die Welt, Germany: Euro Crisis Turns Germany into Europe's United States
Le Figaro, France: To Save Euro, 'United States of Europe' Must Be Formed
Le Monde, France: Francois Hollande: A French Socialist in Washington
Le Figaro, France: Obama, Hollande Say What Merkel Doesn’t Want to Hear
Le Figaro, France: No Panic Across Atlantic, But ‘Contentious Issues’ Await
White House, U.S.: VIDEO: Obama Welcomes Hollande to the White House
Die Welt, Germany: Romney, Obama and the Future of Europe
Toronto Star, Canada: After Afghanistan, NATO Should Reform or 'Call it Quits'
Deutsche Welle, Germany: NATO Summit to Debate Global-Policeman Role
Deutsche Welle, Germany : Why Moscow says 'Nyet' to NATO Defense System
Guardian, U.K.: Obama Caught Between Competing Visions for Fixing Eurozone Crisis
Moscow Times, Russia : Why Putin Skipped Out on G8 Summit

Russia Today, Russia: VIDEO - Demonstrators Descend for G8 'Showdown'  


[Editor's Note: The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. The body is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union's treaties and the general day-to-day running of the Union. The E.U. president is elected by the European Parliament, on a proposal of the European Council, for a five year term].


But it’s no use fighting it: Europe’s humiliation at the G20 Summit is deserved. It is understandable. And perhaps, ultimately, it might even be helpful.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


Europe deserves it because for over two years, one of the richest regions in the world has failed to bring the debt crisis under control - and every day, the risk grows that it will pull the global economy into its downward spiral. To be sure, the management of the crisis has in many ways been remarkable, much of which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Great safety nets stretched open distributing huge amounts of liquidity. But the rescuers still lag behind, and the rescue of the common currency is disintegrating amid bickering about national interests.


The world community is no longer open to such reactionary weakness on the part of Europeans - if it ever was. The failure of E.U. members to speak with one voice, despite the drama of the situation, has led to a worldwide loss of respect. It also further undermines faith in the common currency.



The lectures for Europe from newly-industrialized countries at the G-20 - delivered with barely concealed mirth - are fair enough. More often than not, these states were past recipients of instructions and guidelines from the E.U. Now Europeans must accustom themselves with an unfamiliar tone and a new distribution of power in the world.


But one thing is certain: not only the scolded of Europe have big problems. Right now, countries like the United States are concealing their own troubles behind the euro crisis. All that will change when if the eurozone succeeds in getting its problems under control. To that end, the reprimand of Europeans at the G-20 Summit may have proven of use. After all, in moments of doubt, outside pressure has a unifying effect.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US June 24, 2:49am]



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