New reality

The Independent, U.K.

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Romney's 'Nostalgia' is Ill-Suited to Reality of a Fast-Changing World (Die Zeit, Germany)


"Mitt Romney's candidacy and the world view of his political camp suffer from a fundamental evil that represents a danger for the future: the spirit of nostalgia. ... Compared to this retrograde policy and despite his flaws, Barack Obama embodies an aware, intelligent and engaged America. Unlike four years ago, he is no longer supported by worldwide hopes for his victory, but concerns in the event of his defeat."


By Jan Ross



Translated By Rinald Meta


September 14, 2012


Germany - Die Zeit - Original Article (German)

A British headline from Mitt Romney's visit ot London: Is the worldview of today's Republican Party fundamentally flawed?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Mitt Romney defends his foreign policy as polls slip, Sept. 14, 00:00:53RealVideo

Should we really concern ourselves with this American election? Obama's star has faded. His opponent Mitt Romney looks like Barbie’s boyfriend Ken, who has gone into politics. The United States is certainly no longer the center of the world.


Yet this time, the choice is far more momentous than it was four years ago. The 2008 election was largely dominated by the legacy of the Bush years and Barack Obama as a figure; it was the election of the first Black president. Ideologically, it was much less charged. Now there are two philosophies confronting one another. There is Obama’s reform project, which aims to make the U.S. a "more normal" and "less American" land: away from its high-strain role as global policeman, unfettered capitalism and extreme inequality. That is in contrast with the Republican program to dismantle the state from within and widen the nation's global reach: it is not about less of America, but more of America than ever. 


The Republicans in no way resemble a party of oddballs, the likes of which we have in Europe. On one central point, their criticism of Obama is fully justified: no serious effort to get the debt problem under control has been seen under this president. Despite that, Mitt Romney's candidacy and the world view of his political camp suffer from a fundamental evil that represents a danger for the future: the spirit of nostalgia.



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According to the prevailing Republican doctrine, the problems confronting the United States are the result of a kind of political nervous breakdown and loss of self-confidence, which would be resolved with a reawakening to its own strength. Instead of soft diplomacy, what is needed is more leadership, which would quickly bring Iran to heel over the nuclear dispute. Instead of meager social programs, less state intervention would restore the American dream. But these are fantasies. America's problem is not a betrayal of its ideals, but a new reality. We live in a world of states that can be no longer controlled by a superpower. A society based only on survival of the most prepared won't work anymore. One cannot simply wish this away.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


Compared to this retrograde policy and despite his flaws, Barack Obama embodies an aware, intelligent and engaged America. Unlike four years ago, he is no longer supported by worldwide hopes for his victory, but concerns in the event of his defeat.

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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Sept. 14, 8:24pm]






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