President Obama and Secretary Clinton at a ceremony transferring

the remains of slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens: In

the midst of a presidential campaign, renewed Arab unrest raises

the stakes for the president and the nation.



Muslim Unrest Raises Stakes of U.S. Election Even Higher (Die Tageszeitung, Germany)


"In the hottest phase of a U.S. campaign, the logic of action in Washington often shifts to the winning of short-term points. But at stake is more than winning a second term: If and how Obama succeeds could decide whether there is war or peace."


By Bern Pickert



Translated By Nathalie Klepper


September 13, 2012


Germany - Die Tageszeitung - Original Article (German)

At the White House on Wednesday, President Obama insists that 'justice will be done' in the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stephens, an aide and several guards in Libya.

BBC NEWS VIDEO: Several people are dead as anti-Islam film protests widen, Sept. 14, 00:02:51RealVideo

Less than two months before the U.S. presidential election, more and more factors out of the candidates' control are having an influence on the campaign. Domestically, in the ongoing teachers strike in Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago, the president's loyalties are being tested between the unions, his electoral allies, and his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago.


On the foreign affairs front, attacks on U.S. facilities and harsh criticism by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Obama’s Iran policy has been a challenge for Obama.


That foreign policy is suddenly playing a role can be good or bad for a sitting president: On the one hand, there is the U.S. tradition of closing ranks behind the incumbent in the face of external threats. On the other, a truly sustained period of troubled relations with the Israeli government, coupled with the incorrect impression of a president that is shaky in dealing with the Muslim world, puts the president in danger of losing critical Jewish votes.


That could lose Florida’s 29 electoral votes to Romney - without which it will be hard to win the presidency. There are more than a few people who believe that this is the real goal of Netanyahu’s attacks.


Already, conservative U.S. media are calling anti-U.S. protests in Cairo, Libya and Yemen "flash points" - and interpret them as a result of Obama’s “weakness.”





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It is Obama's good fortune that his opponent behaves so ineptly. Instead of a statesmanlike condemnation of the attacks and assuring the president of his support, Romney criticized the administration's alleged "apology" to the demonstrators. Not only was that nonsense, but it was party politics in a moment that called for patriotism - not a self-serving attempt to score points.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


However: there is plenty of evidence to suggest that foreign pressure will only increase as the election draws closer. In the hottest phase of a U.S. campaign, the logic of action in Washington often shifts to the winning of short-term points. But at stake is more than winning a second term: If and how Obama succeeds could decide whether there is war or peace.


Independent, U.K.: 'Inside Story' of U.S. Envoy's Assassination
Global Times, China: America is 'Disrespectful' of Other Cultures
Daily Star, Lebanon: Influential Lebanon MP Says Israel Backed Film to Defeat Obama
Debka File, Israel: Al-Qaeda Chief Zawahri 'Personally Ordered' Murder of U.S. Envoy
Independent, U.K.: 'Provocateurs' East and West Know: Politics and Religion Don't Mix ’
Telegraph, U.K.: Arab Spring Turns Sour for United States
Telegraph, U.K.: Ambassador Chris Stevens: Man of Drive, Passion
Independent, U.K.: Fear and Loathing: Another Unholy Row about Islam
Guardian, U.K.: Attack in Libya Underlines Threat of Salafi Islamists
Global Times, China: America ‘Disqualified’ as Global Human Rights Judge
Xinhua, China: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2011
Rodong Sinmun, North Korea: America by Far World’s Leading Human Rights Abuser
Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Putin is Mistaken to Favor China Over the United States
Huanqiu, China: U.S. Should Keep its Nuclear Weapons Away from Koreas
Guardian, U.K.: It Should Have Been Clear - Deposing Qaddafi was the Easy Part





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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Sept. 14, 6:09pm]



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