Iranian paratroopers on parade for the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed

Ali Khamenei, January 3, 2008, from a photo posted on Khamenei's Web

site.  If war comes, these are some of the men that will be on the front

lines of the conflict.



Tehran Times, Islamic Republic of Iran

U.S.-Iraq Security Deal a Bush Scheme to 'Steal' the Election for McCain


What is Iran's take on the new long-term security agreement being negotiated between Washington and Baghdad? Tehran's leadership charges that beyond insuring that Iraq becomes a legal launching pad for American attacks on neighboring countries, the deal is also all part of President Bush's scheme to persuade a war-weary America that Iraqis want the U.S. to stay, thereby allowing him to 'steal' another election - but this time for John McCain. Referring to the White House push for the security deal, Ardeshir Ommani writes for Iran's tightly-controlled, state-run Tehran Times:


"The intent of the Bush Administration is to blur the differences between the Democratic and Republican candidates on the question of an immediate troop withdrawal. Should the White House impose such an enslaving order on the people of Iraq, the chances for Senator McCain improve, while the lot of Senator Barack Obama plummets. It seems tricky George still has a card up his sleeve for stealing another election. ... If the current administration pulls this off, they intend to proclaim to the American people that Iraqis have agreed to a continuation of the occupation of their country and that they “want us to stay and protect them."


By Ardeshir Ommani


June 21, 2008


Islamic Republic of Iran - The Tehran Times  - Original Article (English)

Libyan ruler Muammar Qadhafi comments on U.S. democracy and 'Kenyan brother' Barack Obama, at a ceremony marking the 38th anniversary of the withdrawal of American forces from Libya, June 11.

Al-Jazeera TV, Qatar: Qadhafi warns that Obama Suffers Inferiority Complex That Might Make Him Behave 'Whiter Than the White,' June 11, 00:07:43RealVideo

BBC NEWS VIDEO: On the issue of Iraq, there's a world of difference between John McCain and Barack Obama, June 5, 00:3:09RealVideo

Earlier this month, that part of humanity that respects its own freedom and dignity has witnessed the impending conclusion of a unilateral [long-term] "security" agreement between the Iraqi government and the sole author of this forced concession, the United States.


The one-sided accord is part and parcel of colonial rule and provides a pseudo-legal foundation for the extension of America's violent occupation of that country. By means of this so-called treaty, which provides for no time or space limitations, George W. Bush’s Washington intends to disguise his ugly and brutal treatment of the Iraqi people with a veneer of legality, so that the presence of the U.S. military machine in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region won't be construed as an indefinite continuation of the U.S. military occupation in the eyes of the least-informed Americans and some European U.N. Security Council members. Furthermore, the agreement would likely be exploited as a basis for using Iraqi territory as a launching pad for additional wars against countries in the region.


In talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Tehran in early June, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made his rejection of this proposed "security pact" clear by stating that “occupiers who interfere in Iraqi affairs with their military and security might” are the chief cause of Iraq’s problems and are the “… main obstacle in the way of Iraqi national progress and prosperity.”


Iran Air Force officers listen to a speech by Iran's Supreme Leader

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Feb. 7, 2008, from a photo posted

on Khamenei's personal Web site.


The Iranian people must not tolerate the continued aggression of U.S. forces in Iraq.


Some years ago, when an early draft of this pact was circulated, Iraqi nationalist forces and religious leaders were led to believe that signing the deal would lead - sooner or later - lead to the withdrawal of U.S. troops and Iraqi independence. Today, however, that presumption has been turned on its head. It has now become clear to all that America's objective is to tighten the noose and permanently hold the position as global executioner. Some Iraqi officials are even trying to convince the Iraqi and Arab masses that the deal invalidates paragraph seven of the U.N. resolution on Iraq, which makes the United States the guarantor of Iraqi security .


By pushing this hoax and depicting Iran as a threat to the Persian Gulf region, the United States is making every effort to define the agreement between Washington and Baghdad as a means of maintaining Iraqi security by acting as a shield against Iranian interference. What hypocrisy: the invader of Iraq and Afghanistan claims to be an agent of peace and security!


This agreement will impose capitulation on Iraq for decades to come. It's revealing that the details of the "agreement" haven't been made public nor grasped by the people of Iraq, who will have very little say on the matter. This is why the package is being pushed so furiously through the Iraqi Parliament before its terms can be thoroughly revealed. This so-called "security agreement" should more correctly be called "The Legitimization of America’s Occupation of Iraq." According to reliable Iraqi sources, the agreement doesn't assure Iraq's independence, national integrity or national sovereignty as an inalienable right.


The Supreme Leader reviews his troops in Yazd Province, January.


The Empire also has to deal with its own war-weary public, which is demanding an end to the occupation. The intent of the Bush Administration is to blur the differences between the Democratic and Republican candidates on the question of an immediate troop withdrawal. Should the White House impose such an enslaving order on the people of Iraq, the chances for Senator McCain improve, while the lot of Senator Barack Obama plummets. It seems tricky George still has a card up his sleeve for stealing another election.


Once again, the sorcerer in the White House is orchestrating a fabrication. If the current administration pulls this off, they intend to proclaim to the American people that Iraqis have agreed to a continuation of the occupation of their country and that they, “want us to stay and protect them.”


On the other side of this long, cruel occupation stands a fighting force led by Moqtada al-Sadr who have called for widespread demonstrations against this disreputable and colonial infliction. Responding to the call on June 1, hundreds of thousands of indignant and offended Iraqis poured into the streets in every major city. Their response was a clear rejection of George W. Bush’s plot: they burned American flags by the hundreds.


To say the least, should this document between invader and invaded succeed, it will be a clear violation of Iraqi national sovereignty. Meanwhile, the U.S. will continue to plunder Iraq’s natural resources and subject its labor force to the most de-humanizing exploitation and degradation.


Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr: He and his supporters are adamantly against any long-term security agreement with the United States.


Al-Jazeera TV, Qatar: Interview with Moqtada al-Sadr recorded just after the outbreak of violence in Basra, Mar. 29, 00:10:16RealVideo

Iraq's patriotic forces, first and foremost the people’s movement led by Moqtada al-Sadr and other nationalist groups, have expressed their outrage over this agreement, which would be to give up their nation's independence to an occupying power. Nevertheless, some Iraqi officials speak in favor of the agreement. A draft of deal emerged for the first time in 2006. At the time, it was meant to legitimize the crimes committed by individual U.S. servicemen and mercenaries (Blackwater comes to mind) against innocent Iraqi citizens. The document deprives the Iraqi state of the right to arrest or prosecute any American involved in the occupation, even when he or she commits crimes unrelated to the U.S. war effort. In the last quarter of 2007, the Bush Administration once again brought the issue of the "security agreement" forward for discussion in the Iraqi Parliament.  



It's clear that the U.S. has been unable to convince other nations to follow the path to peace, democracy and lasting prosperity that it dictates, despite the way it's showcased by its army of advertisers promoting the cliché of American exceptionalism.


In the minds of the overwhelming majority of humanity - including the nations of Western Europe that the U.S. has for almost a century taken for granted - the U.S. socioeconomic system is increasingly becoming a symbol of violence and fraud. The history of the last half century in particular shows that the U.S. is synonymous with war, killing, palace coups, threats of annihilation, strangulating sanctions and false allegations about many nations. Iraq and Afghanistan are only the latest examples.




Azzaman, Iraq
Why for Iraqis, America

Has an Edge Over Iran ...


Sotal Iraq, Iraq
Long-Term Security
Treaty Between Iraq
and U.S. 'Rejected'


Kitabat, Iraq

Security Deal With

America is Iraq's

'Chance of a Lifetime'




Iran News Daily, Islamic Republic of Iran


Victory a 'Watershed'

in American History















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 21, 3:35pm]