[The Telegraph, U.K.]



The People's Daily, China

Treat Google Like a Chinese Firm Fleeing the U.S.


Is Google, and by extension the West, caught up in hypocrisy by preaching to China about Internet censorship? In this article from China's state-controlled People's Daily, Han Dongping argues that all governments control information - and developed ones like America best of all. Han Dongping is a professor of history and political science at Warren Wilson College in North Carolina.


By Han Dongping*


January 20, 2010


People's Republic of China - The People's Daily - Original Article (English)

Google in China: Is the firm retreating due to a failure to penetrate, or is it censorship and government-backed hacking, as it suggests?


AL-JAZEERA NEWS VIDEO: Will Google quit China and is it putting ethics before business?, Jan. 16, 00:23:24RealVideo

Google's decision - or threat to leave China - has caused a huge global uproar and made huge headlines. President Obama has been quoted as saying that the U.S. would take up Google's complaints and its decision to leave China and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has demanded answers. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on American high tech firms to deal in concert with China. The U.S. government, upholder of the free market economy, no longer hides its "visible hand." [a reference to the "invisible hand" of the market].


For thirty years, the Chinese government has been learning about how to introduce free market mechanisms into society. It believes it has succeeded and has asked other nations to recognize its status as a free market economy. Some countries have recognized China as a free market and others have not. So in order to demonstrate that China is a practicing free market, China's government should allow Google the freedom to leave, just as it allowed it the freedom to come.


When I took my first class on international relations, I was shocked to hear my professor tell us of how our world is actually in a state of anarchy: The powerful do whatever they please and the weak must put up with whatever they must to survive. Now I'm thankful to him, as he taught me a real lesson about the world. In our "realist world," the bottom line is that powerful nations get away with a lot, and the weak have to put up with a lot.


That's the reality, but as an idealist I always hope for a better world where there are no bullies, no war, and where innocent people aren't killed so others can take something from them. Realists might call my dream of a better world utopian, but I have a strong conviction that utopian ideas are important for humanity. If enough people grow tired of how things are, perhaps the world wouldn't be such a "jungle." Perhaps peace and the equality of nations will finally reign.


At a conference in the United States many years ago, I gave a speech to a Chinese audience about the free market. Professors and experts there were shocked to hear me say that all modern economies are state-sponsored, state-organized and state-regulated. Never has there been an exception. Nations in the first world are there because governments have always backed their corporations. They've been willing to go to war to open markets for tthem and deploy troops abroad to defend theit interests. They've instigated coups and rebellions to defend these economic interests and still do today.



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But despite all of these quite visible state activities in the economic life of first world nations, economic experts and professors there preach to developing countries about the benefits of a free market. They argue that the first world is in that position because it practices such an economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. If countries in the third world continue to do what they're told, they'll always be in the third world. They should instead do what the developed world is doing - not what they say they're doing.


Google complains that China's government wants it to filter its search results. Its complaints have had the effect of singling out China as a government that interferes with free access to information. The truth of the matter is that every state regulates the information people can access. Only a few powerful states are capable of controlling the flow of information widely and effectively. For example, four news agencies from three countries, the U.S., Britain and France, control 90 percent of international news. Some countries can't get their side of the story out. In regard to the poor nation of Zimbabwe's land reform program, for example, the government there couldn't get word out about its side of the story. All the world ever heard about was how bad and brutal the reform program is. Some government can skillfully control information so that no trace is left, while others can only perform so well.


The truth is that every person and state is biased. More importantly, they are sometimes unaware of their biases.    



The state is in the business of controlling information. In his campaign for the presidency, Jimmy Carter once said that he would never lie to the American people. But he lied right there. No American president or president of any powerful nation can tell the people everything. If he did, he wouldn't be president. The governments of many countries are in the business of controlling information and lying to their people, occasionally if not all the time. It's up to individual citizens to figure out what's true and what isn't.



Le Figaro, France: Google Affair Harms Reputation of China

The Times, U.K.: China Returns Fire Against America in 'Google-War'

The Times, U.K.: Hillary Guards Net Freedom; Attacks China's 'Berlin Wall'

Taipei Times, Taiwan: China vs. Google - Why is Taiwan Making Enemies?

People's Daily, China: China Urges U.S. to Stop Accusations

China Daily, China: Life Without Google? China Will Be Fine

ABC News, Australia: Australia, U.S. On Collision Course Over Net Censorship

People's Daily, China: Google's Attempted 'Threat to Chinese Sovereignty'

Global Times, China: Google-China Split Would Be a Loss for 'Both Sides'

China Daily, China: Google Grabs More Eyeballs in China

China Daily, China: Google No Exception' to the Law

Frankfurter Allgemeine, Germany: Google Was Wise to Enter China

The Economist, U.K.: Google and China - Flowers for a Funeral


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Again, because it claims to oversee a free-market economy, the Chinese government should allow Google the freedom to leave. Even though I wish people could have unfiltered access to information, it will never happen, if for no other reason than our inability to process infinite amounts of information. There is so much, and our time and energy is so limited, that one can only care about certain things and ignore others. That's where our biases come into play.


Not only should China allow Google the freedom to leave, it should treat it just as a Chinese counterpart would be treated in the U.S. So before it leaves, China should freeze all of Google's assets and make sure it clears its local liabilities, settles fairly with its Chinese employees, settles all lawsuits with Chinese writers in regard to intellectual property rights and so on, before it's permitted to leave for good.


*Dongping Han is Professor of History and Political Science at Warren Wilson College, North Carolina






































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 24, 12:20pm]


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